Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Weekend Question Replied

The following is a reply to a correspondence with a cousin of mine. The title of the initial message was "A Weekend Question" regarding what plans were already set for the weekend of my 25th birthday. Yowza!!! That's a quarter of a century!!!!

Whoa, your schedule is more action packed then a Schwarzenegger and Stallone movie COMBINED!! =D

I was thinking . . . Seacliff. =o

Sometime, anytime April. But a great weather day needs to be caught.

That place brings up such wonderful childhood memories. With this recent mood-shift I am stricken by a reminder of that dock and abandoned boat, overlooked by a cliff-by-the-sea (the namesake) that bears a deceptive wooden stairwell that looks easy but upon 73+ steps is soon to be found brutal. Bwahaha!

I'm sitting out here in the backyard, my flabby man-boobies and stretch-marked whipped hung-over belly exposed (yup, no top) to enjoy the brilliance and warmth of the sun in full. I'd wear a thong too but that's like Black Belt status that I've yet to achieve with my comfort with my body. =P There is a cool breeze and I wish for the weather this day to be exactly the same when we get there - a great weather day. Schwaaay! =D

The plan IS admittedly massive. So they are just thoughts and possibilities in my head right now. I've Facebook messaged Tedd the same Weekend Question since he was the first to ask about a week ago what do I plan to do with my birthday? The original blueprint contained 2 or 3 things. They are (1) Jack & (2) Shit and maybe, just maybe a (3?) cake. =P

So between the Jack-shit Plan and Seacliff, sweet Seacliff, you see which is preferred. Again, just a possibility.

The underlying motivation to all this though, ate is this . . .

I want to fly the kite on the beach. I want to fly it at Seacliff. The birthday bash is just along for the ride. Schwaaaaaaay!! =D

You need not drop by Jim Drive Sunday evening, te, the fact that you're aware of the significance of the 17th day is plenty enough for me. Thanks a bunch!!! I always did think of you like you were my older sister. Schwaaaaaay!! =P

Where the heck did all this "Schwaaaaaay!!" come from? I dunno??

Oh yeah, Scwhaaa . . .


=P =D

Dude, I'm gonna go watch Terminator 2 again. "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle" He would've asked for a fedora too I'm sure but bikers prefer bandanas. And vicious robot assassins from the future are very particular about the quality of their hats. That's why the future is all messed up: No good haberdasheries. =l

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