Saturday, June 12, 2010

Big Ass Tuba Nights & Something About Cherries, Yeah

The windows are open. The sky is black. The shine from the streetlight tint the trees yellow. I'm trying to get in as much cool air as possible. The Summer is creeping in, it is; heat is mine enemy and I am a friend to bluer temperatures. And on that cool night air is the sound of yet another merry Mexican party. Their celebratory mingling floats on late Spring wind, lead by a singer popping hurrahs to the music's downbeat, transmitting the festivity and the joy to those less jolly. What is it to be happy? I forgot long ago. Whatever it is, it includes a thumping Tuba oompa bass line.

I tuned into Channel 26. Japanese programming was featured and as such, was accompanied by commercials set by local Japanese businesses. These were great fun. I stared in amusement at what may or may not have been said. The B-grade quality to the video gave it an endearing charm no Hollywood-style production could emulate. Colorful Kanji hit the screen, big and bold, telling of all the deals available this coming week. There was one commercial with cherries. Just cherries. Viciously deep red cherries aplenty. They may have been different varieties, I don't know, but they did look mighty tasty.

[side note: Red Dwarf, Series VII, "Back In The Red" on channel
22, 11:30 p.m.]