Tuesday, December 29, 2020

From TWO Confirmed and Here to Stay

An untested person who has resided at TWO confirmed COVID-infected households has just been brought in to stay at this household.

Some people quarantine. 

Others share the House of Pain. 

They Jump Around

Jump around. 

Jump up, jump up & get down.

It's COVID Hot Potato

So if I croak because of the 'Rona, it started on this day.

Keep smiling.

Also, Teedge said got broke up with Norelei about a week/week-and-a-half ago, after 10 years together. Bad news, that.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Friday, December 11, 2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Friday, December 4, 2020

Double Track[ed] the Guitar


Fiddling. It becomes a mighty thing on the other side of it.

Time slide the right side guitar track (approximately) 3 hundredths to the right. Pitch shift the track .040 up. Boom, double tracked guitars.

On Books:  Balanced some voices to not overpower the song. Brought out more of the roar of the guitar — don't go below "-5 gain" on each side for the volume or you'll lose the punch. Had it at "-7" and the guitar sounded wimpy. The guitar on Books is supposed to be aggressive. Use enough gain to push that.