Sunday, July 19, 2009


On midnight morning I was watching ASAP '09 (a Filipino variety show, DirecTV 2060) to stockpile fuel for my lyrical ammo and while doing so, came across a random thought that entertained me for a good 7 minutes. The birth of this "ha ha" spewed out into this not-so derelict earth during a performance involving a few fascinating women in scant and sparkly dresses. And what was born from this delight? A conversation.

"At least the girls are pretty, right?"


"The girls are pretty?

"Oh yeah, yeah. Even if they lip-sync."

"You mean the ones that can’t sing?"

"Yeah, looking unsure of themselves. Standing on stage, moving their lips about. Still pretty."

"Even if they lip-sync."

"Uh huh."

"Do you think . . .?"


"Oh Christ . . ."


"Do you think they lip-sync their vadge?"