Thursday, August 4, 2011

To Share the World and Its Feasts

I don't share food.

If somebody took a bite out of something or smacked lips with a beverage cup, I'm out. Do not ask if I'd like some. I don't know where your mouth has been, aye? Ask me to partake of your sandwich after you already made a loving chomp out of it after you spent happy time last night with your significant other making your loving chomps in bed then . . .


Nuh uh uh uh NOOO!!

What's the point, germaphobe?

It's an intimate act to be sharing food. Slopping over the King Eggroll take-out combo meal as a duet? During all the picking and chopsticking there's mouth-to-food-to-mouth contact there some-frickin'-where so NO I do not want to taste whoever it is you've been kissing, Baroness Shares-a-Lot.


However . . .

when within sight is a girl I fancy in a brighter light above all the others, yayo I'll share food with her. Ooh yes please. Oh why thank you, dear. Wow this food really is good, aye? Since I've decided to share the world I see with you then yes let's tackle that value meal together, darling. I hope you like Dr. Pepper.

It's not a new idea. It's been with me for a long time. People are icky. As am I. I don't think you'd want my MoGo's half-eaten burrito if you knew where I've been. I've decided to pen this down now because of the events of yesterday morning with J Buddha on 4th day. On the way back to the house we did a drive-thru of Jack-in-the-Box where she ordered a Really Big Chicken Sandwich Combo and a funnel cake for dessert. At the kitchen table this whole personal issue of sharing food was brought up as she ate breakfast heartily. I've mentioned it to her before and she knows full well of my unpleasant regard for biting where someone has already bit or touched. Now modify that with Buddha's acknowledgement that I adore her and what do we get?

"If I was starving to death and I reeaaaaally needed food to eat to survive would ya-"

"Nope, well you're just going to starve then" says Girl Aum with a smirk.


Buddha does share her food with others. She herself encourages it. "Can I have a curly fry?" I ask. "No" she replies with a gleeful head shake. Buddha does share her food with others - but not with me. Not even a crumb, oof. I joke with her I probably shouldn't have told her and could've been all sneaky ninja-like with a pretend casual bite out of a Really Big Chicken Sandwich but considering we've had in-depth conversations since before the admiration it was info previously confessed to her in trust and good faith.

Despite my yearning eagerness to share the world and its feasts with the fairy tale One Girl, to not be able to share food & drink with Girl Aum is something I find tremendously gratifying. Bollocks to the groceries - as long as I'm around her I don't think I'll ever starve. Physically. Spiritually. Yes Happily, Ever . . . O=P

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