Friday, April 29, 2011
Girl Perfect and the Elusive Slumber
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The NOTES: [042811] Capitol Drive-In Flea Market
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Because of Chatting with You
Because of Chatting with You
And so I log on
Monday, April 25, 2011
Dub-L's Verse in "Look At Me Now"
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Splat May Go the Easter Bunny
Chat Fragment 042411 - He Who Sips . . . Liquor
The Madness of Easter Explained By Preacher Hicks
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tulog Na Tayo
Tulog Na Tayo
We've had such great day
Alone Writing for a Change
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sorrow See It
Fortune Hunter of the COWON S9 Charge Cable
Two Stars
Chat Fragment 042111 - Telling Nurse of Missing the Philippines
LL to Level Forty Six & 2
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Oh Woe the Wicked Spiders
Third-Degree Cool
Something about KG
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Brand Spankin' NEW "He Who Lacks" Header!

The 20th Blog Post Achieved on April 2011
The Death Nostalgia
Suicide Is NOT Painless
Monday, April 18, 2011
He Who . . . Raps??
Fable of The One with Pen-Gun
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Quarter-Century Bum: Sheshonahim
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Fencing with the AutoDead
Friday, April 15, 2011
A Filipino Vision Seen By Not-a-Real Filipino
“Nasa Kabataan Ang Pag-Asa Ng Bayan.”
~ Jose Rizal
I am born American.
Born to two hard-working Filipinos who took the daring jump across the Pacific to find a life for themselves in the land of opportunity. Though I am American by birth, I have the blood of the Filipino. With such a thing running through my veins, through my very being, I can't help but to be totally and utterly aware of a glorious vision. A vision known to every Filipino born on Philippine soil.
I see the vision of a better Philippines.
This vision is best exemplified in the heroes who carried it on their backs. They exist throughout the entire history of the Pilipinas.
In the times of Spanish Rule . . . Jose Rizal saw what I see.
In the reign of Ferdinand Marcos . . . Ninoy Aquino carried the vision that I see.
I see the vision of a better Philippines.
It can be perceived that to say something can be better indirectly means that something isn't good. When something isn't good and has existed for decades, it is often forgotten that this non-good thing - this problem – is an actual problem A single person may be aware of the problem but the masses do not know that the problem even exists. A foreign power. A dictatorship. What perilous situation does the Philippines currently face?
Corruption. Everywhere. From the lowest levels of your typical traffic cop taking bribes for running the red light to the upper tiers where Congressmen fund projects to pocket the cash that is skimmed off the top, not to be missed. And they do this, against the good of the Filipino people. Why? Money has become the dominant force of Filipinos in the upper percentiles of wealth, Filipinos who are in control of the Republika Ng Pilipinas. Except it is no Republic. On the license plates of every car on a Philippine road it is written: Matatag Na Republika
It should instead say: Matatag Na Pulitika'ng Korap
The politicians of the Philippines have long been filling their pockets with money off the false deeds and the hard work of the less-wealthy, the poor. These corrupt politicians continue to do so to feed their insatiable greed for the almighty peso. The Bible says, “Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.” [Ecclesiastes 5:10] Their love for their own countrymen has been made dim, overshadowed by the grandeur of exceeding wealth and in doing so, the very idea of the good of the Filipino people has been put asunder.
I say to you it was better back then. Back then when the Philippines was ruled in the name of Spain. At least it was known that the trespassers were of foreign origin, the rape of the Filipino cast by Spanish hands. The modern era has seen a far more debilitating, humiliating affair. With each corrupt action, there is defeat. For now it is seen that it is the Filipino raping the Filipino.
Yet they continue to do this. These broken politicians wear showbiz smiles to cover their true intent. It is not to make the greater country, oh no! It is to make the greatest bank account. Their tunnel-vision for the unlimited accumulation of monetary wealth has replaced the truest noble vision known to all Filipinos.
Although I am not a real Filipino, I see what every Filipino sees . . .
I see the vision of a better Philippines.
With money as God, these ugly politicians have shattered their own people, a spiritual wealth forsaken for monetary gain. What did your heroes die for? Did Rizal fall upon that sandy shore with a look towards the sky only to see his own people disrupt themselves? Did Ninoy step out of that plane to return to his country in blind support of corruption? NO!! And yet they are celebrated and glorified in ceremonies of government, the same government that spits upon what they have died for . . .
a vision.
I see the vision of a better Philippines.
Honestly & Sincerely Miss K part 2 (a.k.a. The Loser Revelation)
Wait, gimme a minute to breathe . . .
Jeez Loueez, I thought you despised me.
I need another minute to ughhh . . .
hold up . . .
Ahhh. That's better. ;)
There is a diligence and then there is driven. Then there is Miss K, who somehow has shifted beyond basic motivations into a far greater plane that is "the overdriven". Whoa. I think that plane is the stop just right before "The Twilight Zone". Miss K, with all your hard work I'd like to know something about you - how do you like to spend your downtime? Books? Movies? Dinners? The Zoo? The lions? The zebras? The monke . . . okay now I'm stuck on the San Francisco Zoo. =O
I'm sad to hear that those 3 years in that middle school was a cheerless time for you. Why? Those 3 same years were something I enjoyed muchly. Had I known it was a sour time for you I would have reached out and connected with you, yes. Strange, strange indeed. As soon as I stepped into Independence High School orientation, I was fully broken. The end of my 8th grade year was a giant shatter for reasons I'll explain perhaps sometime in the future when we get to know each other better because it's a lot to say and a lot to take in. I'll spare you the ultra magnificent show that is "me playing my violin" . . for now, Miss K. =)
I'm sitting here writing and think do you even like to be called "K___"? It's probably a major peeve for you? =P I type K___ because (a) it's short and (b) it reminds me of a splendid song by Death Cab For Cutie - Cath.(a song about Wuthering Heights' Catherine Earnshaw and her emotional predicament) Great melody. Great lyrics too and I'm hardly ever a lyric guy, it's usually just rock-BOOM-rock!! =D
So what should I call you? Miss K? That's a given, yes. But what else? I could try Nelson Mandela but I'm not sure if it'll stick, ya know? =P heh heh
I don't know what your own personal vision of me was back then, Nelson Mandela, but I reckon it was far different from what was going on inside in my head. I heard Shalina somehow ended up with a rather dark drawing of mine - evidence of where my mind was going and kept steady on for 10 years.
"Hello, class. Depression isn't cool."
"Yes, Mrs. Johnson" the students reply.
At the end of my most terrible times at high school I got lost on the path that every well-adjusted pre-adult takes to college and soon on into the American work force. But not I. No school, no work. Just lost. Just me. I honestly hope this revelation doesn't turn you away, Nelson. I get fearful and anxious when revealing my status to new acquaintences as "The Living Inefficient". It's a dirty and disgusting thing people generally don't want to be around - I understand - a person who has a frown permantly etched onto his face. Unless such a person works for Barnum & Bailey. Which I don't because I don't know how to juggle. Oh darn, that's such a neat skill! Maybe I can be the one who gets pies perpetually thrown to his face? I'll be sure to give you free ringside tickets and a complimentary pie throw! Woohoo!! =D
Anywho, since you look to be interested in where I am in this world please feel free to check my site at
Good news, Nelson Mandela! 3 weeks ago I had a massive mood shift! . . . which explains why I've come out of the blue to see you. Since my recent feelgood turn, I've been wanting to get in touch with people who have in the past brightened my day. Yes, that includes you, Miss K. =)
So here we are.
Enjoy your everything!
Chemix is a Gangbanger
I've officially decided to now refer to you as Nate-Dog. It is your special East Side San Jose gangster moniker. You're a Crip and only a Crip because I was surrounded by blue rags in my youth and as such you too shall rock the order of the blue bandanna. Should you choose to defect from us and join the Bloods I have from high authority to low-dropkick your knees and to continue low-dropkicking your knees so viciously that you will be known to your fellow bloods as Nate-GoD [(Go)t (D)ropkicked].
The Rise of Mug Eeyore

This be the new mug in place of Aunt-Francisco's demise. I actually picked up this Eeyore mug many, many years ago in Disneyland during a SoCal holiday with tita Dory, ate Debra, kuya Mark, Debby and even (fantastic friend of the family) Jeff (Big Jeff) with his then girlfriend who - yeah! - was darn tootin' pretty. I've always been fond of the Eeyore mug since I saw it on the shelf in a souvenir shop on Main Street, U.S.A. Prior to today I've been hesitant to use it since it was purchased during my mercilessly long depressed state of existence (Eeyore is sluggish and seemingly down, you can see why I pick Eeyore out of the entire 100 Acre Wood gang) and I didn't want to ruin the good vibes associated with the Blue & Purple Ceramic Wonder. Now with these recent change of mood and brightened eyes, there is hot green tea right inside the Eeyore mug!! Woohoo!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Weekend Question Replied
The Untimely Death of Aunt-Francisco

Oh mug, poor mug! The "Aunt-Francisco" mug I've been using as my teacup has just given up. "Goodbye cruel, HOT world! I can take your tremendous Green Tea Heat NO LONGER!!!" Aunt had a pre-existing condition in a massive crack running its entire vertical length from the top all the way PAST the middle of its bottom. Today upon the first filling of delicious Green, it leaked-boop-leaked-boop tea right from that very same bottom. R.I.P. Aunt-Francisco Winter 2010 - Spring 2011 =P =D
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
[. . . LOOP] The East Side Circus Presents: Clown & Toothless! [LOOP . . .]
Honestly & Sincerely Miss K (a.k.a. She Who Scans)
It's Justin here.
I stand humbled.
Honesty and sincerity is something I like to adhere to. I find that with these two characteristics it's easier to go on in life without wasting energy on whisper games and hidden meanings; to keep up with such social unnecessities can make a person question the steps they take all because they would not begin with truth.
Baloo the bear sang a related sentiment in the Jungle Book tune, "Bare Necessities."
Why do I write this to you, Miss K? In our very brief time together, our correspondence has been limited to just a few messages. A couple of those messages weren't responded to and I worry that perhaps you purposefully did not reply to those 2 messages for a very specific reason: I wrote some things that could have been considered too forward.
I could apologize but in all honesty what was written (just the words) was simply my own personal expression and reaction to what you had typed in your message - bits of your own life that I very much appreciate you having shared with me. And I thank you for that, it shows I'm not a complete stranger. Now, if the message that came across to you in those words somehow upset you . . .
for THAT, I sincerely apologize, Miss K.
I wish to only open up a friendly dialog with you.
Preferrably without a personal anxiety of worrying about stepping on your "mind toes."
I wouldn't dare mess with you, Miss K. The word on the street is that you have brain-kaboom!-exploding powers like the dudes in the 1981 film Scanners!!
[Justin convulses . . .]
Oh crap . . . I can feel it nooooow!!!
[ . . . KABLOOEY! goes Justin's head!!!!!]
=P =D
I really do hope to hear from you Miss K, for this message in particular. I can't be any more bare [necessity] to you then I am now. I also apologize for the bloody brain matter left scattered all over the place. Go easier on me next time, Supremely Powerful Scanner K. They don't make Ibuprofen strong enough to resist you. =P =D
Monday, April 11, 2011
Get This In The Sky
In the sky
I want to get this on the beach
In the sky
I want to get this on a city street
In the sky
I want to get this when I'm happy
In the sky
I want to get this when we're in Love
In the sky
For we met on pristine green grass
when it was
In the sky
We were together on sandy shores
when it was
In the sky
We braved the traffic crosswalk
when it was
In the sky
I am happy with you
and it is known
In the sky
To show it to the world
it still flies
In the sky
I want to get this
In the sky