Friday, April 8, 2011

Addressing a Certain Truth About Women

The following was a recent Facebook correspondence with someone whom I've only recently met.

The parties involved have had their names stricken in order to protect their identities.

Hello, _____. =)

22 hours awake and see what happens? Messages get sent to the wrong YM windows. The links to the profiles were actually meant to be sent to a family relative of mine who is fully aware of my troubles with women. I wanted to show this relative my current change in mood and how I am just now able to comfortably open up a dialog with women.

The truth is . . . in the past I was so scared of girls I couldn't even say "hi" to them.

But now to be able to carry meaningful, in-depth conversations with them? It's a such a joy, _____! To know a person and to understand them is such a wonderful thing. To have known you even with our short time together is something I find to be absolutely terrific.

I sincerely apologize if those links that were accidentally sent to you affected you in an ill manner. It certainly wasn't the intention, my dear.

First off, time and time again I've admitted my fondness for "bugging" you. =) It's just my way of saying "Woohoo! I can actually talk to a girl and she doesn't think I'm a complete Creep."

With all honesty and truth I will show you fully what Miss K is to me and why I've only recently gotten in touch with her. (Only recently because I've gone through a major mood change in the past couple of weeks. I've come from the depths of depression to actually being able to say a simple "hello" to a woman. Including you, my dear.)

Miss K was a kind girl in middle school that was brave enough to show me her true feelings through a "ValentineGram". Right around Valentines Day students would write on heart-shaped cards and have it sent (anonymously or fully signed, your choice) - through teachers who would then give the cards to the receiving student(s) in their respective classes.

I received such a card, a "ValentineGram". It was the most heartfelt gesture ANY girl has ever done for me. It was sincere. It was true. There were no games. She just put in her own genuine words what I meant to her back then in 1999. It meant a lot to me to receive such affection from a girl.

It never happened before that and . . . it hasn't happened since after that.

Things were never followed through. Me being the weakling weirdo that I am, refrained from pursuing the origin of those kind words she sent to me.

And that's Miss K.

A girl who was actually nice to me.

O, _____, okay ba na tayo? =P =D

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