Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Stunning Brain Tumor
Stunning Brain Tumor
Can't shake this darn thing off
It's stuck there, I'm stuck here
To my detriment
How did I come across?
It's stuck there, I'm stuck here
But you don't belong
To me (No)
Stuck in my mind
You won't leave my mind
I think that I might
Have a tumor
And I'll fuckin' die
Should you stay in mind
Why did you have to be
So stunning?
I'd rather have you not
It's stuck there, I'm stuck here
El Scorcho I hum
I'd rather you be gone
It's stuck there, I'm stuck here
Fuckin' hell what's wrong
With me?
Stuck in my mind
You won't leave my mind
I think that I might
Have a tumor
And I'll fuckin' die
Should you stay in mind
Why did you have to be
So stunning?
Be so stunning?
Be so stunning?
Be so stunning?
You're so lovely
Oh Modern Lovely
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Memory for Memory
Do know to be experiencing these fine times there is a connected concern that such memories may move out what I need to remember most: That Santa Barbara Sound.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Corolla Fixin', Ice Cream Truck a-Singin'
JBoy tidying up his Corolla. Ice Cream Truck Rolls Along. "Lieutenant Dan!! Ice creaaamm!" Let's get some ice cream yeah. Teeg gets a Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae Crunch Bar. Good-o. JBoy gets Strawberry Shortcake in a cup with wooden stickspoon. Classic.
I get . . .
what else?

IT'S delicious and I am king.
Thanks JBoy.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Depart from Admire
With all of them seen I never took part in what made them the wonder that they are. I didn't get to see who they really were. There were no memories together that bookmark a smile. There was no soft embrace of last night. There was no tender look the other day. Above all there wasn't even a hello. The one-sided affair that is "me for my admire" has long kept me gasping for what I could never have. Additionally, who I am, where I am in my current status as a barely-entity is not the sweet prince that they wish for.
Girls do not want what is beneath them and rightfully so. They deserve yes even more than the promise of a great kingdom. They deserve the world. In this dilapidated cardboard box where I decay, there is absolutely nothing of worth. No promise or intent could ever be seen desired. So . . . my desire too must go. I will no longer yearn for what I never had. My own dreams are tired because of the constant running since that first fine girl over a decade ago. So too my dreams of her must go. To all those pretty girls I saw: Thank you. But I need rest far, far away from admire - I know it now to have actually been a burden.
Watch me breathe easy.
Watch me breathe free.
A Volunteer at the Ball
I haven't the juevos to actually do it but I've been playing with the idea of posting a particularly lewd Facebook Status:

Yes I realize the "volunteer" comment is a reflection of me. Admitted. Certainly the idea behind the statement isn't wholly embraced within myself but it's an aspect that exists or relates, however minuscule.
So who am I?
Not what you think you know.
It's past midnight, Cinderella.
There are many things I have kept from writing. Things of a similar vain to that seen above. They are amusements - just like everything I write - amusements nuh-uh PG-13. My mind has been dancing ballroom steps to the rhythm of "do I or don't I?" I stuttered on a step once because the moment was there and it stayed there when I left it.
You're welcome. Enjoy your fruit punch.
Now let's move on . . .
but do I or don't I?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Turn Again
I turn again
I do I do
Oh welcome blunder
you diligent fool
Where was you?
Snuck huddled under blankets
Known so well
Window serene-ardors
I turn again
I do I do
And sight dear friend
you blithering fool
Come hither
Blither beside me on seats
Known to be
Wooden gallant-hollows
I turn again
I do I do
Say of night
that night we'll cross
When taken
Yes taken ourselves
No longer known
now sleeping
Wanting no-turn
To not turn again
In the
no time nocturne
I rest
To Row on Shattered Sea
Who rows alone?
I do
It's what I know
to row alone
On this row alone
This golly boat
Broadside along
(You Would-Be Beasts of the Shattered Sea)
For it
rows alone
I'll paddle you off
Stay sea shattered
(You Would-Be Beasts)
and leave me rowing ascetic
Pathetic, call it
Golly you, I know it
I row
As one
Ever the sailor skeptic
Who rows alone?
You know who.
Sight from your Shattered Sea
(You Would-Be Beasts)
The dinghy deluded
In filth & disgust
Corrupt this sea, immediately surrounding
On ready-corrupted sea
Am found peddling
the huh worth
of the ill paddle of what I know
Who rows alone?
I do, do I?
Golly the boat
I hate the sea
For no man rows alone
When he sits on dreaded sea see?
The admire
the rage
the strain
the delight
Seen from seas that
Crashed wet against boards now splintered
I ought to break almighty
this watered boat
and shatter
and sink
sink into this Shattered Sea
Simalucrum Cinque High
This is
This is
Such a mess this is
Scattered all about
Can't get things together
Put it here but it ends up everywhere
Put it there but it ends up here
Tornado'd by one fine thing
Being the Whoa Being
This is
This is
A fine mess this is
All about track 4 out of LZIII
Things together jumbled gush
It ends up everywhere when put here
It ends up here when put where?
That golly tornado
Had to be the fine Whoa Being
This is
This is
Such a mess this is
This is
This is
The "whip of the" missed
Tumbling, rutting mess
Gone on and on and on and on and on and on . . .
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
That Sterling Constant
These weeks without you
have shown
to be the constant
that sterling constant
that greets the every day
You are the shine
the glory
& the persistent good
The Acclaim that circles all
and a cheer
a kind cheer
carried like a box of sweets
Damn it's good to know you =)
have shown
to be the constant
that sterling constant
that greets the every day
You are the shine
the glory
& the persistent good
The Acclaim that circles all
and a cheer
a kind cheer
carried like a box of sweets
Damn it's good to know you =)
Pwede ba na tayo? =P
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Recording in the Season's Warmth
Hello Summer, you warm bastard. I recorded The Fleeting Ship in your heat, in sweat and with slippery fingers. Thanks. It was easier to slide up that fret board.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Leonard's Thirst
And I drank this cup of water
And it was good
But the thirst was from seeing this water
I understood
I want this water
To see
to drink
to be
the water that gave that thirst to me
But that drank drink was but a sip
Now this thirst
As a Pacific empty
for more of that drink
The sight of water
The sip of water
Here I thirst more
a rousing drink of that water
that water that was good to me
But my longing thirst
has stranded me on a
fool's drained sea of broken grains
That drink
did not exist
That sip was neither sip
nor drink
nor water, the water seen
Delirious from thirst
I still thirst
For the water never meant for me
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Fleeting Ship
The Fleeting Ship
There it sails on by under sunshine
The sail it catches wind and it glides by
This ship a fine passerby
Since horizon seen a bow winning
Pointing ever towards its wanting
This ship a fine passerby
Sail on by
Bye bye
Sail on sail on
Sail on sail on
The build of the hull so sturdy
The touch of waterline so tempting
This ship a fine passerby
Sail on by
Bye bye
Sail on sail on
Sail on sail on
Back on horizon seen a stern sailing
Leaving me behind ever wanting
Sail on sail on
Sail on sail on
Sail on
Bye bye
Bye bye
She told me we could never be because I don't go out enough.
That's akin to telling an inmate he doesn't go out enough.
But what is my crime?
To have been born.
The Walk Through Detector
A dumpy specimen of a man tosses his loose belongings into a bucket to pass outside the 8-foot detector. His hunched shoulders and forward jutting neck twitch in the self question. "By what account did I? Ehh." A cross. Intertwined palm trees. Photographs. Guitars. Two weeks. A few words. The guard pens through the bucket items, pointing out to her partner the presence of the trees.
"Ridiculous. Paradise?"
"Yeah, did he really think? . . ." says the guard to her partner.
The man stands wide-eyed at both guards but at the same time not, breathing the long breaths of a time spent much too much long gasping.
"Uh oh yes, you may pass through now" replies the guard with extra-thick smarm. The dumpy man drags feet across the detector with no beep. Ahead he sees nothing. Behind him the haze of something less. He picks up the items with timid hands and dumps them unceremoniously into his chest pocket. The guard asks "Mr. Scarborough is there anything you'd like to? . . ."
Without looking back he drags his feet forward, head jutting towards the nothing, and walks the slouch on saying "You can tell the world it can go fuck itself."
Thursday, June 16, 2011
In Defence of Seeing She
The perennial Christmas lights twinkle erratic on a fake tall plant in the playroom. The multi-colored dazzle gazed upon shift into mind, imprinted. Twinkle-red, twinkle-green, twinkle-blue, twinkle-white. "Gahh." The yuletide disco mixes well with the Goliath in my brain. It spins around. Does the splits. It pops back up and throws a karate kick in XXXXXXXXL bellbottoms. My head twitches from the Fever.
A sigh.
The contestation: Upon reveal of the basis of the admiration for women - I am accused to be a Creep.
Twinkle-red, bellbottom hip strut to the forefront.
What is the premise behind the look at the fairer being? Singularity. In this day there will only be one she. In this week, month, year, decade, life - there will only be one she. From the infinitely possible combinations of mind, time, embodiment there exists one, just one girl that will ever be the life that she is. Singularity. One girl in all her remarkable distinction will be the only girl that is her throughout eternity.
For this I am called a Creep.
Take this into consideration.
People want to see surface emotion. They'll dip their mind into the shallow end of pseudo-romanticism by way of some radio hit r&b love pop song. They will swoon. They will tear up. "Oh I wish that could be me he was singing about." They'll wholeheartedly embrace those 3 minutes and glorify it as the greatest fucking representation of Love in the world. But they can't be blamed. People in general are ever ready to accept what is gift-wrapped neat and presented to them. The pretty pattern and fancy bow is the Love they'll accept. The effort to venture into their own personal concepts of what Love actually is is washed away by the simplicity of something gift-wrapped ready.
The truth is lost. Anything deeper than your pop song is labeled unwanted.
A posing point to the sky.
For this I am called a Creep.
So to combat the unwanted do I make a return to what every girl can easily swallow? (The humiliating size of my dick notwithstanding.) I have. My own written strummy guitar sing-a-long songs play on various topics of feminine worth. Take those three minutes and smile easy. The avenue for surface paints does play a role in the continuation of that ancient Love Cry. But when all one sees is the pretty colors - that paltry palette everyone pops for - the truth behind what makes a woman a woman, what makes love Love decays, lost under layers in thick hues of naivete.
The perennial twinkle in my mind flashes. That bellbottomed Goliath dances on. With the mess of what the popular world wants discoing in my head, do I fall into step with the rest of the line? Will I sacrifice a found truth? A truth that thus far has shackled me to these persistent denouncements:
"Will you leave me alone?" The only words said by one girl with whom I found this truth in Woman as Singularity.
A sigh.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
An Excerpt from "Venus and The Motley Fool"
"At the feet off a colossal Venus . . . one of those so-called fools . . . raises his tear-filled eyes toward the immortal Goddess.
And his eyes say: 'I am the least and the loneliest of men, deprived of love and friendship, wherein I am inferior even to the lowest animals. Yet I, too, am made to understand and to feel immortal Beauty! Ah! Goddess! take pity on my fever and my pain!'
But the implacable Goddess with her marble eyes continues to gaze into the distance, at I know not what."
-- Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen
A Meditation in Prose to J Buddha
The following is a recent correspondence with J Buddha spread over the past 3 days. It addresses the fate of a muse, the suspicion of certain sweets, and diving Hawaii.
what makes the other person happy
to know that, to be aware of it is a happiness you find in yourself. Even if it doesn't involve you in any capacity.
So I'm happy and loco about it too. Woohoo!!
Joy with and for others? That's an exquisite trait, Buddha. It never occurred to me that a sense of one's self-joy could actually be selfless. That's tremendous.
Random question: What's your favorite candy?
Ahh no worries at all. Good times, Buddha. Glad to meet Modern Lovely. What was previously just another face online is now a complete, unabbreviated girl.
What was good will stay good
as with
all my past admirations
(Though often brokenhearted I departed in silence, as silent as the admiration itself)
Anywho, more passionate fuel for my poetic ammo.
Again. Good times, J Buddha. haaah . . .
There was a Halloween where I received a suspicious-looking orange paper wrapped morsel from a Latin household. During that night's stash attack I picked it up with caution and unwrapped the orange to find a tan caramel-esque candy. Drunk on the sugar I had already partaken of, I haphazardly popped the suspicion into my mouth.
It tasted like shit. =l
I spat it out immediately. "Fuuck I knew it!" I thought-raged to myself.

Okie dokie, sister. You've got a sweet tooth with a particular delight in chocolate. Worry not, I am not Latin.
~Solitude (
What was good will stay good
as with
all my past admirations
(Though often brokenhearted I departed in silence, as silent as the admiration itself)
Anywho, more passionate fuel for my poetic ammo.
Again. Good times, J Buddha. haaah . . .
There was a Halloween where I received a suspicious-looking orange paper wrapped morsel from a Latin household. During that night's stash attack I picked it up with caution and unwrapped the orange to find a tan caramel-esque candy. Drunk on the sugar I had already partaken of, I haphazardly popped the suspicion into my mouth.
It tasted like shit. =l
I spat it out immediately. "Fuuck I knew it!" I thought-raged to myself.
Okie dokie, sister. You've got a sweet tooth with a particular delight in chocolate. Worry not, I am not Latin.
~Solitude (
And I admire your approach to life. To walk on with bona fide strength, wisdom and mirth is a combination in bliss, yayo. As for sounding smart and the look up? Aw gee thanks Buddha. ;P
It's the writing, dear sister. When I write it just comes out a certain way I guess, a way that appeals to me personally.
A few years ago I showed an acquaintance of mine a piece that I wrote and her response was that I sounded "upper crust," all proper-like ya know? I thought she was calling me a PRICK, hah hah, to which she denied.
I am a prick. At times.
heh heh . . .
Girls are attracted to assholes, right? Are there girls attracted to pricks? Oh Buddha if I could speak to a girl as confidently as I pen verse I'd be drowning in 'nani. =O
I'm going to have to invest in quality scuba gear. First stop: Hawaii. Gonna breast-stroke through all dem fine wahines.
=/ =p
How are things over your way in the Philippines, J Buddha? What merry events have delighted you most? San Jose has warmed up considerably; an American summer awaits your return.
A few years ago I showed an acquaintance of mine a piece that I wrote and her response was that I sounded "upper crust," all proper-like ya know? I thought she was calling me a PRICK, hah hah, to which she denied.
I am a prick. At times.
Girls are attracted to assholes, right? Are there girls attracted to pricks? Oh Buddha if I could speak to a girl as confidently as I pen verse I'd be drowning in 'nani. =O
=/ =p
How are things over your way in the Philippines, J Buddha? What merry events have delighted you most? San Jose has warmed up considerably; an American summer awaits your return.
J Buddha,
Modern Lovely,
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Whip of That Step
It was regular
this step
Now irregular
Affected by
steps just past
Pavement shook
A crack
into the wells
of Broken's origin
Now step the irregular step
A crack
Shook from regularity
To have
Step this step before
do find more?
Go ask Leopold von
No no not de Sade
And in the
whip of that step
swallowed, gargled
seized and made to be
Oh mistress
Yes please
Startle and shock
fulfill absolute
this broken step
before the
yearn uncertain
to regularity
It was regular
this step
Now back to regular
this step
to the
faint woes
about ghosts
made-up, perfumed pretty
When jiggered
was the step
woes sang symphonic
in full
from Broken well
since unbroken
unshaken now back
to the
monotony of a
regular step
one does
for the mistress with
the whip of that step
Monday, June 13, 2011
Yes the whoa they are
the wow they cast
by way of being
just being
These beings
they fly amazement
and stunned I stand
in awe
in awe of who they are
Ahh girls
So many to
It's wow to glimpse
the billions
"I haven't seen that one yet, whoa."
And it's amazing
to discover
the one
not yet perceived
sweet supreme being
All heart
goes my heart
to Kamala heart
that beats pah-rum pum pum!
the wow they cast
by way of being
just being
These beings
they fly amazement
and stunned I stand
in awe
in awe of who they are
Ahh girls
So many to
It's wow to glimpse
the billions
"I haven't seen that one yet, whoa."
And it's amazing
to discover
the one
not yet perceived
sweet supreme being
All heart
goes my heart
to Kamala heart
that beats pah-rum pum pum!
in beauty
in flight
oh mighty!
The solo
trapeze thought
Yes the whoa they are
the wow they cast
by way of being
just being
the wow they cast
by way of being
just being
It's really nice
to know of these girls
even though
it's just to see 'em
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Waiting For Buddha
'Shopped another picture of J Buddha. Hope it dun perturb her like the first time around, hah. Tried my darndest to NOT-a-not-not make ya appear all weird-like, sister, hah. Honest. =P
Saturday, June 11, 2011
It's Been a Long While, Pulelehua
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2011
After checking Fry's off of Brokaw for what ended up being a replacement nunchuk (nope not the Bruce Lee kind, monkey) I took a drive to my Cousin's place for chill times and good talk. I slip into the curbs on the opposite side of the street and check the window for the light on inside; I tend to drop by without notice and such an interruption occasionally ends up with a chipper me and a sleepy cousin. Oh cool? Not so cool. Try not doing that, Lackman. But the light is on. Woohoo!!
Foot out. And then the other. Cane out yeah I brought the collared and brass tipped birchwood cheapo-bobo with hair bands on the handle just in case, ya know? Watch that fedora'd head when coming out - wouldn't want to knock me hat loose with my long hair flying every-freakin'-where on the street where my Cousin and her significant other be. Ding dong! The doorbell sounds as I eyeball the door knob then the peephole then the door knob then the kitchen window then the doorknob again. The light is open - I think - so they've gotta be inside, right?
"Come in!" my Cousin says.
I turn the doorknob that now has my eyes splat all over it and the eyes splat back into my head. From there I look up to see the who's who.
And it's a surprise.
A rather nice one too.
I stand stunned as if hit by heavyweight contender. Except the shock isn't from fist-to-face pain, nope, the shock is from an intense joy at seeing the wonder before me. Whapak!! It takes wicked effort for me to not jump in celebration and what's left is a sway. And a smirk. I think? I'm not sure as the only thing in my head is that I don't act a fool in front of the one person that counts most. For inside that living room all couched out chilling were my Cousin, her boyfriend and his nephew. One, just one person sat all lax on the floor with her back towards the door. It is she. Pulelehua, yup. =) She looks over her shoulder and spots the fedora'd, caned, black dressed, blue tied (& vest) oh Lacking I sweating to restrain my giddiness. In her comfort clothing wifebeater and grey-black sweatpants she nonchalantly looks back to a laptop computer on the couch with nary a reaction.
Round 1.
I survived. Awesome.
Door closed and the doorknob now back outside I sit beside my Cousin and on we chat. Pulelehua sits just 2:00 of where I park myself. The proximity burns but I try to keep cool. Try to, hah. I hope that smirk stayed at the door. Again cousin and I drift into chat about any ol' thing . . .
EXCEPT for the One Wahine Wonder that sits but a few feet away from me. Cousin knows of my own admiration for the isle beaut. So does her brother. Aye? I'd rather they know then they get all weird about my getting all weird around Pulelehua. So it's not spoken about when Cousin and I chat because THAT would be weird. Maybe? Ehh. Dunno. If she knew now it would be just that wouldn't it? A recognition of admiration, one-sided as it may be? =P There are times when Cousin gets into a discussion directly with Pulelehua and I find such moments a most splendid opportunity to get a look or two at her with reason, otherwise I'd go just help myself to ogling her all night and THAT would be weird.
Why would I do such a thing?
I haven't seen her for what seems like 2 years. Yow. To step into this and see Pulelehua is providence and quite honestly I don't know if I'll ever get to see her again and I'd like to, yes. Maybe these moments of seeing sweet her will have to last me for the rest of my life? Oh darn, I just may never see get to see her again. So fly. For now these moments will have to do. And I cherish them.
But we don't talk about that.
The Red Wings are finally wiped off the playoffs list by the members of Team Teal. Go Sharks! The party of 4-and-a-half cheer on the victory in their own little ways. A smile. A silence. The thought of applause. The Wahine Wonder looks over her shoulder, pumps a fist and sighs a "yes!" Pulelehua pulls down and takes off her sweater in talks with her brother about further modifying her left shoulder/arm tribal tattoo. In distinct geometric patterns the dark ink is a biting sight. Every shape and check threaten to keep me at bay with their sharp points. This chick ain't about dainty things. She's not a child of sunshine, nah. She tells her brother of fixing the triangular bits. "It's crooked" she says putting a finger to it. I audibly chuckle. With reason I watch again, I am transfixed at her index digit cush pushing tan & tattooed skin, the indentation running across inked permanence rattling my mind knowing my own touch would commit yeah blood fire.
I keep the cool though.
Round 2.
"Breeeeathe, shit-bird."
Ding ding ding!
Pulelehua eventually makes her way to the room at the rear of the house to get her tattoo touched up. This leaves me to chatting with Cousin about many a thing. Not once is the admiration mentioned or hinted or slighted at. We talk on and on.
Pulelehua drifts from out of the hallway shadows and back into the living room. She holds a flatcap which she handles with appreciation. There's also a smile, a smile that holds a cheery innocence that one could only call adorable. As per usual my reactions are not reflected outwardly. Though the carousal rush sprint the brain all that is seen upon my person is a controlled smirk.
It's only on the drive back I realized it would have been terrific to compliment her with the words
"You look good."
To her that would seem to refer singularly to the flatcap hat cha-cha but to me a . . .
general statement. =P
Cousin and Butterfly come to an agreement that it's too small a hat to fit Cousin's big noggin' and thusly the flatcap now belongs to Pulelehua. Away she flutters back into the shadows, flatcap twirling with a smile brighter. Cousin and I go back into our discussion with no mention of the adorable. Minutes later I profess my curiosity in the actuality of getting permanently inked. I make my own way into the shadows all the way to the room at the end of the dark hall. Boyfriend and Pulelehua sit with both their backs turned. With a tattoo needle he makes his way to her exposed arm of distinct tribal patterns. Contact is made but nada reveal of pain is seen or heard. She sits there as if it was kindergarten paint being gently brushed upon her. My mind rolling from the casual, super casual ritual of the tattoo - it is I who almost yelps.
"Wha?! . . ."
I walk away from the scene out of the shadows, back into the living room, back to talking with Cousin where everything, absolutely everything is talked about except . . . =P
With the the tattoo touch-up fini, Pulelehua bids the farewells. A thanks to her brother. A goodbye to Cousin. Like an idiot - on the couch, slumpy idiot - I raise my hand in half-waving "see ya", half -waving "what the fuck am I doing?" From 10 feet away *she scrunches her pretty-ass face (Yes, there's no other way to write it. I tried. This was the best way as it's to the point, isn't it? No fluttery poeticisms can best this.) at me wondering what the hell I'm doing and I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing but she follows through, nods her pretty-ass head (Yeah, this too.) and throws out a "Bye."
I'll take that. Woohoo!!
No formal "hello" but a scrunch-faced "bye" by one fine butterfly? Tremendous! =)
Kah-dum! The door closes with Pulelehua having flown.
I immediately turn to my Cousin and exclaim
"Ohhhh my gosssshhh!!!!"
in a relieved release of the gushingly contained felicity. "I'm soooo glad I dropped by tonight! Soooooooo sooo so glaaad I dropped by tonight" I continue as I roll victim to my own bliss and am caught from falling by jumbo couch cushions. "I know, I know . . ." replies Cousin who is fully aware of the depth of the outpour. Turn that tap on full blast.
I survived. Barely. 'Cause I'm flustered on the couch, hah.
"Ohhh my ohh my" I say with the goofiest look of joy on my face. I continue "I'm sorry but I just had to let go right now" followed by a big exhale as if my breath was held at the moment I walked in and saw the fine one who just seconds ago had flown out the door. "Do you . . . " I say with mischievous concern, "do you think she . . . noticed? I mean her back was turned but she did take a quick glance over her shoulder. Was I smiling, ate?" The trapeze thought occurs to me that I may have been standing with a smile that would bridge the entire Pacific. Continents an ocean apart were connected by sublime revelry in celebration of the Inked Butterfly Stunner. And it, I stood in that doorway unaware of the shine like a complete git.
"Was I smiling?"
"No" replies Cousin. "But your eyes were."
"Ahhhhh!!!" Back into the couch cushions I tumble in hysterics, in limbo, howling at true shine now known! "My eyes were smiling?!? That's infinitely worse! Hah haaaah! . . ." Orbicularis Oculi. It's involuntary. I had no chance, yow. Flash knockout, first round. Was every moment after just a dream?
Pulelehua . . .
it's good to see ya, girl. =P
*note: it was discovered during Cousin conversation everything but 'Hua's vision is 20/20. Makapo Pulelehua.
Proclaims the Emcee of the Degree'd
The Emcee
showstops me
to parade kings
"Didn't you know?"
"He just graduated from San Jose State."
the degree'd kingsYe introduced
by your
good deeds
held aloft
in the
better than thou
to the privileged
the puckering
the suckcess sucking
"Oh I'm a good boy, I am, I am!"
("Didn't you know?")
("He just graduated from San Jose State.")
Fuck the Emcee.
Should you continue
to mic the awe of the
university recognized superstar
("Did you go to San Jose State?")
Then introduce me
By my failures
By my
of success
By my UN-education
By my constant jerking
By my filth
my sorrows
my suicides
my death
Introduce me
By the life that I
utterly failed
For who are we
but we as ourselves?
what beseeches super state certified official recognition?
Hey Emcee!
Introduce me
Introduce me
Friday, June 10, 2011
Do Find Her, Will I?
I wonder.
If and when I do find her.
If and when I do find her
will my
mind's tongue
of rhythm & beauty (of yes she)
to kick up, make loud, make known
to ALL the all that is this existence
she be?
And bliss in the union
that I long wrote for
like fiction
now (in future tense) fact?
Will Silence take its throne
from where once
sketched dreams
of she
like some neon flying whoa machine
yet not seen
but marveled magnificent, yes?
When marvel becomes actual routine
will Quiet be crowned
and thieve this voice
of its chant
"Oh, how I Luh thee!"
For I (some next hour time)
hold the one
for whom
the cherish
was written.
Will I make known
to ALL the all the all
that is this existence
that that blessed beauty
you read
and heard about
is (tear, finally)
beside me?
we will be seen.
So what rhythm
what beauty
is there to verse for?
that fact Luh
sees more
than the time being.
If and when I do find her
will I?
Oh yes!
(Heed these words of infinity)
For we two
are more than
what you
what existence
what eternity sees.
Now where is she?
Since Recorded, Not Forgotten Strum Strum Strum!!
I recorded some strummy junk last night thinking "Aye, it could work."
I listened to it this morning and you know what?
"Aye, it could work." =)
I'm gonna have to slam lyrics on the newfound strum, yayo.
Gosh darn it, I checked past recent recordings and found that I backburner'd two worthwhile strummy bits. Gonna have to pick up and find something to write with those two, yoohoo.
Writing songs?!
Here we go!!! 8P
Thursday, June 9, 2011
where the wahines at?

This piece was done by one Chemix Gonzales.
Hat? Check.
Tie? Check.
Scarf? Check.
Ever on the search for dem pretty, pretty birds?
Hah haaaah! . . . check.
Thanks, Chem!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
For Whom the Rose Holds Its Petals
I came across a rose
for whom this may be?
Its red intent held tight
holding on for a bosom
to be pressed against
with thoughts of
"My oh my oh my how lovely!"
this sticker dollar'd
plastic coned rose
with the gum
and beauty magazines.
I came across this rose
for (certain) whom this would be.
Yes its red intent going
to the girl
who is game,
to the girl clad
in repeat horizons,
to the girl who
not once
not twice
but thrice
had said my name
when I wandered to the whim
of my lonesome fold.
Her voice.
My name.
God damn I do exist.
And within
the folds
this rose
echoed the pleasant song
of when she
had said my name.
With a smile
I grasp this rose
by its plastic cone merchandising.
Drip drip
it drops water upon
my shoe,
water from the container
of halfbutt shop try sustenance.
"It'll never be."
"It'll never be" again is heard
from the red intent.
What? How do you know?
"I know for I am a rose."
Yayo this SoCal girl the one I spoke wi- . . .
"It'll never be."
"I know for I am a rose."
(Certain) dampened
I return the flowery devil
back to its shop slop bucket.
Still, it did sit.
Sticker dollar'd. Still.
Plastic coned. Still.
For whom this rose,
was this for?
Thoughts go to
the girl
oh she of of humble lovely fair.
The Royal Lady of Repeat Horizons
whose line
upon line
upon line
line my mind
with the paint
that pleasant song.
And fresh this coat be.
Just as fresh as she.
There she lingers.
This rose for her,
it be.
But upon the second grasp smiling,
red whispers
"It'll never be"
at which then
a petal fell.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
A Love Fulfilled, Though a Love Unrequited
The following was originally a response to quote posted on Facebook: "In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make."
- Wiz Khalifa
- Leonard Lacking
Monolith Cat Recorded
This morning I recorded a strum-sing of:
"Trouble" (cover of the Cat Stevens song)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
"Yayo, she currently is the later idea."
The Muses (Ancient Greek αἱ μοῦσαι, hai moũsai:[1] perhaps from the o-grade of the Proto-Indo-European root *men- "think"[2]) in Greek mythology, poetry, and literature are the goddesses who inspire the creation of literature and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for centuries in the ancient culture, that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths. The compliment to a real woman who inspires creative endeavor is a later idea.
To See Her Stripes
Saw striped clothing at shop today.
I found myself thinking of you.
How you would fit.
How good you would look in it.
How if I were a stripey being
I might have a chance at ya, girl.
But horizontal stripes
my fatness.
I would
the largest
you ever did see, Modern Lovely.
And that's a set of stripes
you wouldn't want to wear, girl.
Too large to fit.
Devoured by the slump of it.
Now to think of it,
thank the heavens I am
a striped being.
For if I were something
you adore
yet still something you
would ignore,
my stripes would break
and dashes
you would see of me.
Fat, ugly dashes
detestable make.
Left hip crippled.
Poor, walang silbi.
Dashes most certain
you would further ignore.
Perhaps better to be
just me then?
And to simply
just simply
stripes at shop today.
And think good of you.
And how you would fit.
And how good you would look in it.
And to simply see,
just see
your stripes, oh Modern Lovely.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Monolith Speaks
This field is barren
Stand I so sullen
For years am barren
Then all of a sudden
There's a squirrel
Oh if I was
Paler then what
You now see
Before you
Oh if I was
Not the fat stone
You now stand
in the shade of
Would you care?
For a stone who sat
Should have not gotten
So close
Oh close
Best oh yes for you
To go
To go
Stand I so sullen
For years am barren
Then all of a sudden
There's a squirrel
Oh if I was
Paler then what
You now see
Before you
Oh if I was
Not the fat stone
You now stand
in the shade of
Would you care?
For a stone who sat
Should have not gotten
So close
Oh close
Best oh yes for you
To go
To go
This field is barren
Stand I so sullen
For years am barren
Then all of a sudden
There's a squirrel
Stand I so sullen
For years am barren
Then all of a sudden
There's a squirrel
Oh if I was
A wealthy stone
Instead of the
Bum before you
Oh if I was
Not ugly and
A match
To your own beauty
Would you care
For a stone who sat
Should have not gotten
So close
Oh close
Best oh yes for you
To go
To go
For a stone who sat
Should have not gotten
So close
Oh close
Best oh yes for you
To go
To go
Oh if I was
Alive and well
I just might be
Something to you
But you don't care
For a stone who sat
Should have not gotten
So close
Oh close
Best oh yes for you
To go
To go
For a stone who sat
Should have not gotten
So close
Oh close
Best oh yes for you
To go
To go
Yo Yo First Burns of DatM
Neighbor Kent wouldn't mind a copy of my songs thus far. He heard me rockin' the backyard lonely but shout is how I sing and thus it the BANG-BAM transfers to the nearby houses.
"I could burn you a copy of the tunes so far."
"Yeah that'd great."
His speakers are spectacular. The audio set-up whoa! Kent is a super sound hound so for my dinge to be playing at some point for whatever many/not-so many seconds will be awe-the-some.
So goes the burn of my demo reel . . .
Death and the Maidens
Why title the album "Death and the Maidens?"
That's all I seem to fucking sing about. Killing myself or swooning over chicks. So there ya go, Lackeys.
And here ya go, Lackeys.
The 1st and 3rd burn of DatM. JBoy has the second CD in his Corolla somewhere, currently unmarked.

Look closely at the tracklist. Something's missing. Enamored enamored I am enamored. So enamored am I, I unknowingly left Modern Lovely off the 3 initial burns
Oops =P
I'll catch 15 on the 4, 5 and whatever, whenever, if ever. ?
Neighbor Song Jive, Yeah
I went outside to walk the house's block of Jim Dr. with Sage yellow/orange-stripe strapped on to practice K.P. & Envyi's 1998 Hip Hop hit single Swing My Way. The approach is quick-fire verses and a swell singing chorus.
"Shorty swing my way, you sure look good to me . . ."
Across the street on the other sidewalk I walk the walk, singing (or shouting according to your . . ok ok it is shouting =P) out the million word song I'm trying to memorize. There are stutter stops of course, so much info into such a little brain is a Johnny Mnemonic-type O-VER-LOA D. I cross the street again and on the return 40 yard trip back to the house a door opens. It's the door of a good ol' neighbor Robert. But it's not Robert upon welcome, nah, it is his wife, Marlene.
"Good morning!!" I says in joy.
On a phone she speaks away towards my direction, smiles asking "So was that you singing out there the other day?"
"Yup that's me" I reply, smiling back.
"It's good! I had to stop talking to my friend on the phone so I could listen!!"
Awesome, I think to myself. =)
She asks if those songs she heard were my very own. I tell her yup I have written 12 ditties now.
Marlene says there is a particular song that she especially marked for and based upon her lyrical 4-5 word recital I surmise it may either be the Hall & Oates tune I covered or a Decemberists chow I like to holler, Engine Driver.
"You should be on American Idol!!" she says with delight to which I am very gracious and thank her mucho. "Will you vote for me?" I ask. "Yes!! Yes."
Have a nice day, door closed.
Tremendous! =)
I walk back to the front of 613 with a bit of Engine Driver, "and if you don't love me let me go."
In to the kitchen I stand, guitar in hand, smiling, telling Parental Unit A & B of the yahoo compliments received from neighbor Marlene just a minute ago.
Unit A is apathetic.
Unit B has a look of disgust on its face.
Thanks for the support, guys. You're incredible. Really, you are.
The Man Who Came To Write
What is writing to me?
It is both friend & enemy.
It is the di di mau,
the gun to the head.
It is the rescue chopper
flying over head.
Tortured, I scream
"Them damn rats
gone eat my legs."
I wither as withered,
better to pen cripple
than to get bet on
with a 'volver to the head.
I am not (yet) dead.
Still I write,
I write
of being (when) dead.
I am not (no) dead.
Yes I write,
I write
of living a life
For write do I do
'Tis the voice
may or may not have.
Just read these words
and learn me
and learn what life is seen
through the di di mau
now slowed down,
for it is written.
I write.
I am not yet dead.
So friend.
So enemy.
In my stead.
Exist beyond the simple touch of pen.
What is writing to me?
It is to live
being dead.
So friend.
So enemy.
Go on.
Eat my mind's legs.
Go ahead.
Rescue thought chopper
fly overhead.
Both matter not
for I write.
And it is written.
And it is written.
I am not (will never be) dead.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Lacking as a Marx
So I'm in the shower, splish force splashing away the yesterday and Marx comes to mind. Specifically Chico (pronounced Chick-Oh, get it right monkey) Marx who got his name because he was a well known "chicken chaser" - he sure love them chicks. So do I, Lacking I. The difference being that Chico had the swagger and the suave to fulfill his desires to be accompanied by many a female.
I got shit.
So as I shower I ponder "Which Marx brother am I?"
Chico is out of the question. That guy is pimp. The pimpiest of the pimps of the Marx Brothers clan. Groucho? Am I Groucho? Nope. He's got such a quick wit that if he did his stuff in slow motion in his sleep I still wouldn't be able to keep up, no sir. It would be awesome to talk fire like Groucho but alas my words typically come out only after minutes of ultra-careful deliberation. Then rehearsal. Then a mic check. Then a second rehearsal.
Not Groucho. No.
Nooray for Captain Spaulding.
Harpo? Honk honk!! Negative. His innocent mischief is unmatched while I walk these modern days as an utter prick. Additionally, there's no way I could shut up and throw a hoopla on physical antics alone. As loud as I write, I am loud as I speak (when enthused). AND I can't play the harp. Honk honk no. Be quiet, you're not Harpo, oh Lacking One.
So that leaves . . .
Zeppo Marx.
Huh?! Zeppo Marx?
Wait wait wait wait waaaait. The straight man? The boring one? I'M Zeppo Marx? Ahhh crap. Margaret Dumont was a more well known straight man then the lesser Marx. I might as well be Gummo!!
Despite the refreshing shower I STILL goooooooot shit.
[ FUN FACT: Chico's real name is Leonard Marx. Playa. ]
I got shit.
So as I shower I ponder "Which Marx brother am I?"
Chico is out of the question. That guy is pimp. The pimpiest of the pimps of the Marx Brothers clan. Groucho? Am I Groucho? Nope. He's got such a quick wit that if he did his stuff in slow motion in his sleep I still wouldn't be able to keep up, no sir. It would be awesome to talk fire like Groucho but alas my words typically come out only after minutes of ultra-careful deliberation. Then rehearsal. Then a mic check. Then a second rehearsal.
Not Groucho. No.
Nooray for Captain Spaulding.
Harpo? Honk honk!! Negative. His innocent mischief is unmatched while I walk these modern days as an utter prick. Additionally, there's no way I could shut up and throw a hoopla on physical antics alone. As loud as I write, I am loud as I speak (when enthused). AND I can't play the harp. Honk honk no. Be quiet, you're not Harpo, oh Lacking One.
So that leaves . . .
Zeppo Marx.
Huh?! Zeppo Marx?
Wait wait wait wait waaaait. The straight man? The boring one? I'M Zeppo Marx? Ahhh crap. Margaret Dumont was a more well known straight man then the lesser Marx. I might as well be Gummo!!
Despite the refreshing shower I STILL goooooooot shit.
[ FUN FACT: Chico's real name is Leonard Marx. Playa. ]
Yes Indeed It Is the 1st of the Month
"Hey Life, it's me, I STILL see ya!! And it's the 1st of the month. What up, homie?" Enjoy.
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