Sunday, February 17, 2013

When Bricks

Two Lego bricks stuck together. To separate them? Oh a great & terrible pain! The anguish in the pull. That stubborn friction screaming hell and why.

Then the disconnect made absolute. 

Two pieces gone from one another as gone as gone can be. Be damned, how scratches remain by the fury of such strained parting. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Do You Remember Being in a Jumbo Jet?

It was night during an abandoned time when even the gods rest. Zooming over the Sea of Japan. Saw the moon reflect off a march of wrinkles on the ocean. You kept eyes low and saw a single light: A small boat all alone in that big black nothing. Oh how you wanted to be there! Away and away, unseen by the many who fly.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Garburators with a Kick Start Heart

     My head grinds trying to understand how someone can effortlessly dismiss a person who was previously embraced with all the care one can give to anotherWhat was framed and on the wall now just crumpled paper and tossed into a bin with the rest of the rubbish. I know I'm trash. That's probably the answer isn't it? I should have made it clear before attractions were played and save my self from inheriting another well of murky pain.
     I went into the relationship knowing that it would be marvelous to see a life with her. To see another day would mean something new to learn. Appreciate. Love. In this, I'd find a happiness. Smile as she smiled. Her wonders I would receive as my own, seeing a greater view of the world; more than I would have on hikes alone. Then to say goodnight, we'd mean it and be ever so eager to see what's next and take it on, hand-in-hand in comforting assurance we were to see it together.
     That's what it is to accept someone.
     Or how I think about it anyways. If you can find one person and do that and live it? Then it's a worthwhile time. Caught up in the splendor of it all that I forgot that I've got nothing to offer, dummy. The trash that I am invalidates me from ever being seen as what I would see in someone to spend time with. It takes getting dumped to know that. Or to be reminded of it. I knew it before, somewhere. I just got lost when things were well.  I believed in something good but had no foundation to support it. She's absolutely right to leave. They all are. How could she stand with me? As unstable as I am?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It was dumb of me to forget how meaningless I am
Hurt and all its synonyms
You left and am reminded

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Princess Stacks, The Foolish Blocks

How do the pretty play? 
Half-meant with delicate fingers
Block on block then another on top
     But knock it 
          just as easy 
               and sure

Be a block? Be careful
Your worth? Your weight mid-fall
You crash, they'll laugh delighted
     Your stupid aches
          and awful cries
               they'll mock

Friday, February 1, 2013

Be Monster Me

Be notoriously difficult, spew gasoline hate at them all
Kick a fuck down their throat then massacre with a spark
     Them burning is the lullaby for tonight

Be a world-renowned cunt puncher
Deliver hurt to the hurtress
Thrust sterile uppercuts to hush the unborn
Another speechless? Say no more

A monster here
Here monster, cover me
     and roar 
          and grimace
               at the horror surrounding

Be a monster me, live shouting
Less I lay silent, stuck fetal, dying

What good is good oh this uncaring earth?

Be a terrible thing 
     and let them burn